What if spirituality didn’t have to feel so complicated or out of reach? In this episode, Nichole Broadbent, Reiki Master, Teacher, and Wellness Practioner from New Earth Awakening, and I explore how to make spirituality approachable, especially for women navigating the complexities of marriage, motherhood, and modern life. Forget perfection and rigid routines—this is about tuning into your authentic self, embracing curiosity, and planting seeds of growth, one step at a time.

We’ll dive into what mindfulness really means, how to overcome the pressure of “doing it right,” and ways to weave spirituality into your everyday life. You’ll learn how exploring your interests and sharing them can deepen your connections, and how letting go of expectations can open the door to transformation. Whether you’re taking your first steps on your spiritual journey or looking to deepen your practice, this conversation will inspire you to trust yourself, honor your path, and infuse your life with confidence and curiosity. 🌙

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Inside the Episode

  • Mindfulness Made Simple: A Refreshing Take on Spiritual Practice
  • Letting Go of Perfection: Approaching Spirituality with Grace
  • Balancing Roles: Integrating Spirituality into Family Life
  • Staying Curious: How Wonder Fuels Your Spiritual Growth
  • Small but Mighty: Sharing What Lights You Up
  • Building Self-Trust: Confidence Through Spiritual Exploration
  • Embracing the Unknown: Finding Joy in Releasing Expectations


Learn More About Nichole

Nichole is a Reiki Master Teacher, and is blessed with over a decade of teachings in the healing arts. She is humbly honoured to walk with you and shine the light as you remember who you are, why you came here, and learn how to stand in your own power and purpose.

Through the ancient wisdoms of Usui, Holy Fire®, Karuna Reiki® combined with intuitive mediumship, psychology, past life reflection and Mahatma Energy Activations- Nichole is here to aid you in a unique experience of soul. Weither its 1 on 1 sessions at West Coast Esthetics and Healing Studio, learning her unique method of Reiki in one of her detailed courses or attending a retreat she has put on, Nichole will leave you feeling seen, loved and empowered.

Aiding all ages Nichole is here to help you fall in love with yourself and fall in love with your life. You have the power to heal yourself and she is here to help remember.


Hello and welcome back to the Unapologetic with Janine McKinnon podcast. This week we are here for another Unapologetic Stories episode. Today with Nicole Broadbent from New Earth Awakening. She is a Reiki master, teacher, wellness practitioner, and just a beautiful, magical human being. And today we are here to chat about approachable spirituality.

What it’s not, what it’s not. is how we’re able to incorporate spirituality into our day to day lives and our family lives. So I’m excited to dig into that with all of you here today. And welcome, Nicole.

Thank you so much for having me.

Ah, thank you. I’m excited that we are here doing this. When I was looking through my calendar, this has been in the works since.

It was either May or March we have been talking about doing this. So we’re finally here sitting down to chat.

Yes. And I’m so excited for it. I think we had gone through so many other topics and there’s just so much that we can chat about for a long time. So I love what we’re talking about today and I can’t wait for it.

Yes, me too. I know that we can just dive into all of these different places and there’s so many options But with this soul summit coming up that you are coast co hosting Co creating and that I get to present it It just it feels really aligned to be able to talk about approachable spirituality because that’s such a big thing theme for what this event is.

So with that in mind, I would love it if you could just share a little bit about what you do as well as what is approachable spirituality, perhaps starting with what it’s not, because there’s a lot of misconceptions of what spirituality is.

Absolutely. , I am a Yosui, Karuna, and Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher. And that’s just a beautiful compilation that I’ve created and mixed in with my gifts, um, that I have coined as Soul Alchemy Reiki. And so, I use this to, teach and empower others, um, to ultimately heal themselves.

And when I say heal themselves, I mean, mind, body, and soul to live the best version of themselves. And I teach all walks of life. So I have kids classes, teenagers, and adults. Um, I think my youngest student and client, uh, is five. And then the oldest I have taught just recently, uh, 88 years old. And so I am grateful.

That I get to experience introducing and aiding and walking with all walks of life, um, in the name of spirituality. And so I incorporate Reiki and I also incorporate mindfulness. And I. Encourage people to believe in themselves. I believe we’re all magical beings. I believe we’re all gifted. It’s the hardest part is entrusting in yourself and believing in yourself.

So usually the way. My processes start as I’m a practitioner at West Coast Aesthetics and Healing Studio. I often meet people that way in the form of a practitioner and then we shift into teaching. And, I am grateful to be able to aid anybody. In their remembrance, and that’s what I love to call it is helping them remember how truly magical they are.

I love that because that’s really what spirituality is to me, is it’s a remembrance and a deep connection with yourself. And that’s how you’re able to open up to all the other things that are out there and very cool for that spread of people you’re able to work with and connect with all 88. You really have seen such an array of different people that are interested in this work.

Absolutely. It’s quite an honor.

Mm hmm. So what do you see with that range of people? What are some of the misconceptions that come up around spirituality or some of the resistances to coming into this work?

Again, with the resistance is, people not thinking that they can do it. Right. So often the way, like for teenagers and adults, often what happens is they come to me because they are, they’re looking for aid. They often have gone into a place that they don’t know how to pull themselves out of, or they’re looking to, um, expand and they’re wanting, they, sometimes they know there’s something and it’s there and it’s just, it’s like a little spark and they know it deep down.

But they almost just need that like light to shine upon that spark to ignite their own light. And, so that I would have to say the number one resistance is,



what I’ll hear is I can’t. I can’t meditate. And, and that, that is a tricky one because I was there once too. We seem to think that meditating is this, like, being still and a clear mind.

And I’ll say almost every session, every, every lesson that Don’t expect your mind to stop. It’s going to keep going. Don’t expect it. We’re not Buddhist monks. We haven’t been trained and trained in the concepts of silencing the mind. Instead, work with it. Allow yourself to acknowledge those thoughts that are happening in your head.

And then. It’s like a muscle just allowing for that awareness to come in and just gently let that thought go off to the side and then another one’s going to come and that’s okay and and that’s if you’re in the position of meditating and and say doing a guided meditation or just listening to music or even just lying in bed and allowing that openness to come through but there’s so many other ways to meditate gardening is like meditation art Is meditation, cooking and cleaning, those are all forms of meditation, in my opinion, and, it allows for your, yourself just to sit within.

So, uh, when you’re, when you’re cleaning the dishes, you know, you kind of transport to another place. You’re not thinking fork and knife, you’re thinking, your, your mind’s in different places. But if you allow for those thoughts to just slow down, like, try it out, play with it. While you’re washing the dishes, allow for that gentleness to slowly come in.

That’s like the beginning of meditation and it can, it can be in all forms. So when people come in, so that’s an example for meditation, but when people come in, let’s say for, healing themselves, which is my specialty is, is, uh, teaching people to learn to heal themselves through accessing universal life force energy that all those words are like, Oh yeah, no, that’s not me.

And, and I. I want to say actually it is. It’s everyone. It’s absolutely what is the first thing that happens when you fall down and hurt your knee, your hands immediately go to that knee to give the energy to it, to love it, to care for it. It’s in all of us, but it’s just,

It’s just this old story that is in society that we can’t do it and we’re not magical.

The, even the word magic can be seen as like silly or juvenile. And to not believe in yourselves, I can’t help but to feel that there’s multiple avenues out there that teaches us not to believe in ourselves. So that’s sort of where I am grateful to jump in and say, nah, you actually are, and you can, and all it takes is your intention, where your intention goes, the energy flows.

So making that intention that you’re going to just. Try to meditate or you’re going to not even without taking a class, just try putting your hands on your heart and breathe and elongate your breath. Start elongating your breath. That in itself is like a meditation and allowing your body and your nervous system to calm down.

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But then going on from there, another misconception is, okay, so now I’m, I’m going to do all the right things. I’m going to meditate. I’m going to eat clean. I’m going to not binge watch TV. I’m not going to go on my phone. I’m going to go on a digital detox. I’m never going on my phone again. I’m going to get up.

When we start to put all those extra like that weight on it, it’s almost like setting you up for, this misconstrued vision of a spiritual being. And so I always encourage that you incorporate spirituality into your life. It’s okay if you fall off the wagon, if you go partying with your girlfriends and you come back.

If you, you just go back into it, just try again. It’s like with It’s like with anything. It’s working out. You go to the gym for, let’s say, three months and then you end up going on a vacation and eating crazy food and, and coming back three weeks later. You don’t just throw in the towel and think, well, I’m not going to be in shape ever again.

You just get back on that, right? And, and try again, but incorporating it into your daily life and all avenues. It’s, it’s possible. We just tend to restrict ourselves with this ideal that, it’s a different lifestyle where instead incorporating into your existing lifestyle is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.

Absolutely. It, there’s that common thread throughout all of those different resistances and like,

Oh, I can’t meditate. Oh, that’s not for me. That’s silly. Or feeling like you have to be perfect with it. It’s really putting spirituality on this. pedestal of this, as you said, ideal way of what’s perfect in our mind of spirituality is supposed to look like.

And that is just some made up thing in our minds from different things we’ve seen. There is no perfect spirituality. It’s whatever it is for us. And that’s what really makes it approachable is just bringing that into our lives in whatever way it works for us. It’s not about being perfect. Ditching the phones, the TV, the clean eating, all the things.

Like, I find things rarely work out long term if we’re just like going full balls to the walls. Like, we’re going to end up falling off the wagon at some point. We can only maintain that for so long. So being able to incorporate it in our life in a way that works for us, a little bit here, a little bit there.

Maybe it’s starting with washing the dishes and bringing in that meditation, perhaps some like restful breathing and connection before bed, which helps you sleep. So like, why not try incorporating something that’s helpful and just slowly building those things on one little bit at a time. And that’s like so much more doable than just like going full blown, stripping everything away to go into something.

Absolutely. And touching on that, that word perfect. So I always say the juiciest places. of your spiritual development is when you fall, is when it feels like everything’s crumbling around and when you feel like you’ve, you’re lost and you don’t know where to go, that is the juiciest place to start building.

And so when I’ll have, say, a client has come to me for a couple of years and then they developed routine and practice and, and then they’ll come back a year later and they’ll be like, I don’t know what happened. Well, it’s like, I explained this to a client today. She said it’s cyclical and she feels herself going around and then there’s it’s like going around like this in a circle and then and she’s down and then in it and she’s up and and then she thinks she’s got it all figured out and then something new happens and I and I explained My theory is that, like, we’re onions, right?

Like, there’s constant layers to look at. We are, it is, it’s not ending. It’s, that is the whole thing. It’s the journey, right? And, and so if you’re fine that you are going around in a circle, just see that circle, but then realize it’s spiraling up and up and up. So every time you feel like you drop down, you’re actually leveling up, is how I would look at it.

And then, and, and yeah, like that, that whole, view of, of perfection, it’s just, it’s ridiculous and unattainable, I mean, and if, if everything was perfect, then there would be a lack of evolution, because you wouldn’t be pushed to step out of your comfort zone, right? And that’s where the growth happens is outside of the comfort zone.

Absolutely. It’s, as soon as you said, I’m like, shadow work, baby. Like, it really is those dark depths, those tower moments where everything is crumbling apart. Like, that’s where those big transformations happen. And also, we don’t need them. to make progress. So that’s one thing too is we can continue to evolve without those deep deep lows and those lows that really is where that juiciness is when we can really heal and grow through that and bring that spiral as you said upwards rather than Continuing that cycle in that same spot.

That’s how we’re able to break the habit and shift our situation and continue to rise. And so it’s not something we need to run away from. It’s a part of the process. And knowing that we’re cyclical beings, like right now we’re in winter. We’re in our hibernation mode. And yes, the outside world is like, go this, hit your goals, do all the things.

Things go balls to the walls with your new year’s resolution. If we really look at earth and where we are in the Northern hemisphere, this is our hibernation time. This is our nesting mode. This is the darkness where we really have the opportunity to go inside of ourselves, connect with ourselves. And yes, what do we want?

And also what don’t we want and not putting the pressure To do these things on some timeline, that’s perfect in our minds. We don’t need that. We can just go at our own pace and be okay with having those lows because that just is a part of life.


Yeah. So with all of this in mind, incorporating these different sides of spirituality and the way our life.

ebbs and flows with the seasons, with our menstrual cycles. How do you incorporate spirituality into your family life? As a mom, a wife, business owners, all the things, how do you make this work in an approachable way?

Well, I mean, I do my best. I have three kids and I’m a business owner that I’m, I’m always have myself in multiple directions with my business. And, um, uh, I love my husband and really love to spend time with him. And so it’s, it’s a constant, uh, mindful practice of remaining balanced. And so the way I incorporate it in is, I mean, I have three teenagers.

And so they’re, they’re all, they all have that knowing and I started my journey, I would call it my, my awakening, if you will, my, my shift, um, when my, I would say. My oldest was maybe five or four. And so I was working as far as the spiritual side. I was just opening up to it. Right. But what I noticed, especially with children is they’re naturally gravitate towards it.

So I would start by like trying to. Teach myself to meditate and my little one would come and crawl up on my lap while I was nursing my, my second. Right? And that in itself was like, I was just telling him to take the big breaths in. Right? I have, I’m blessed with my children being quite, aware of their gifts.

And so, and, and I suppose it came from my constant desire to ignite their imagination instead of mute it. And so when I would talk to them about like when their, you know, imagination would be activated and what they were seeing in their dream time, or when they playing in the sandbox and what they would see, I would, I would want to see through their eyes.

So I would go into the sandbox and we would just like create this like incredible magical journey. And if you ask me, that’s spirituality. And that’s what is allowing for your imagination to flow. Because in my opinion, imagination is the source of your power. Imagination is accessing. Your 3rd eye accessing your intuition, your guidance.

And who’s to say that, you know, the visions of oracles aren’t their imagination, right? I think they’re the same in my opinion. So then working with Children, which. Ended up doing quite beautiful, profound work in spirituality camps and, Reiki level one and level two spiritual development classes and working as a practitioner of Children.

The key is to jump into their magical world, believe in what in what they’re saying, and then also allow them to see you believe in it as well. So in the way of like accessing sparkling energy when you’re wanting it to come in to heal your heart that when you’re feeling sad, get them to like, close their eyes and imagine that sparkling energy coming down to their hearts and then ask them if they saw anything else that literally all you got to do is ask your kid questions and they’ll just start there.

Going off about all the magical amazing things and then you start incorporating Like folklore into like you grab a folklore book and you start talking about the concept that Dragons were seen all around the world before anyone knew there was the world was round and that there’s people on the other side Of the world each culture was documenting dragons.

Doesn’t that make you curious, you know? And then they start like taking that human side and incorporating the magic and then that’s the whole thing is living Is bringing that union of the two in right? And then so Children are easy. So incorporating into my, my Children’s lives when they were younger, it was like the funnest part of my job.

With is working with Children when when they get a little bit older, it’s I guess in a way of like incorporating it into levels of empowerment, and that can be as simple as breathwork. So just when their anxiety kicks on because of a test, talk them through breathing and allowing them to breathe in deeply and powerfully.

Like that’s simplest aspect. can, can be, really, really empowering for them. And then, like, as far as it goes with, like, introducing other concepts, I simply speak my truth. So, with my family, and I make my teenagers cringe, and my husband will be, like, rubbing his forehead. I’ve heard him say more than once, I’ve married Phoebe off of friends. But I don’t care. I let my freaky flag fly, as I say, and it’s just little nuggets. You never know what seed is going to be planted, and I will just put them out there. But I’m also a real person who And you know, I, I screw up and my house is a disaster sometimes and I, you know, have, I got to get to the soccer and I got to get to dance and all that kind of stuff.

So I’ll be driving by and I’ll see like a shape of, I, I, for some reason I see a lot of eyes in the sky. I will always point it out. I don’t inhibit myself and I’ll make my 15 year old go, yeah, cool mom. I would be like, you got it. Dragon in the sky. What does it mean? And, and like, yeah, I make them cringe, but there is that inner child within everyone that is delighted.

It is ignited. And then there’s this like remembrance and empowerment. that creates an activation. And so when, when I shift into like, so let’s just say when I first started my, my, my woo woo world, with my, my family, nobody was really aware of energy, spirituality, none of that. It was nobody in my family, like extended family as But I always was coming from a place of love and They all received me, you know, like, okay, Nicole, that’s, that’s really nice, Nicole. And I just continued to allow myself to be, I guess, seen. And I allowed myself to, you know, drop little bits here and there. And it has maybe taken 15 years. But, you know, a cousin comes over and wants to know, what is this about energy work? Or another, you know, aunt inquires. So breathwork, what’s that all about?

You know, like people, they all kind of are awakened, if you will, at different times where they all start to shift into levels of curiosity. And it’s simply just being, um, Available for them where they’re at, because everybody is in their own stage of evolution. Everybody is awakening at a different time.

Everybody is, going through their own processes and their own lessons. And ultimately just being there in unconditional love is one of the most empowering things you can do for your family. I think I feel like I trailed off a little bit there.

Yeah, no, that was great. And

it feels like the approachable way is just really having fun with it for one. And again, just incorporating those things in a way that feels good for you. It echoes that message of coming back home to yourself. And so you just explore in a way that feels good and you become more and more confident the more you share things.

I can think of, it was, hmm, probably like three ish years ago. I was at the P& E with my husband and kids and we walked past this like psychic booth. And my husband just, like, makes a comment about how they’re all scammers, and I understand where he’s coming from and why he had those thoughts. And so I internalized, like, oh, don’t talk about witchy stuff in front of him.

And that’s something that is a pattern I had throughout my life, hearing different family members and adults say certain things like that, because a lot of people believe that, understandably. And so I took that on, but I slowly built up confidence through my own exploration. And you know what? I enjoy these things.

I’m curious about those things. I see the power, I feel the energy of those things. And so I began to drop those seeds and have those conversations with my husband, with my kids. And it was like the next Christmas after that particular situation at P& E, he’s going to like a witch shop to get me tarot cards and different things for Christmas, which was just so sweet.

And so I think it goes to show like, yes, we are all on our different, path and awakening. And again, just playing with it and being okay with it being for you, not putting pressure on other people, but still having those conversations. People become more and more open to it. And I can think of this conversation I had with a client a couple of months ago, and it echoes something you said earlier as we’ve been talking now, but it’s like,

we all have.

This knowing inside of us, but we get these cobwebs that kind of cover it under dust because we don’t look at it or play around with it very much. And so it might have these layers of dust and cobwebs, but having conversations like this, or sharing things we like with our partners or our kids, it’s shining that light and we can like dust off some of that dust.

And then we’re able to let that part shine for ourselves again.

And I just, I always see this net going out across earth and all of these connection points of having these conversations. And we’re all rising up to our highest truth and greatest good through things like this. And it really is just this beautiful interwoven thing with just small little instances, small little conversations, and we all awaken in our own way, it’s pretty awesome.

Yes, beautifully said. So when you were speaking, there is something, uh, just sort of came up about, like, feeling inhibited to, to speak and like, you know, how, I said, let my freaky flag fly. I’m, I’m to that point where I can say I’m comfortable to say that. Right. But, you know, like, 10 years ago, I may not have been in 10 years ago when I was doing my practice.

I was almost muted. I’d be almost silent in my sessions and through my own personal work and like multiple mentors and classes and experiences that I’ve had, I’m learning that, like, Speaking our truth and, and not holding ourselves back just one at like every single time is a healing, like it heals a little bit more, but it’s not just healing you when you let your kids see you speaking freely, it’s creating empowerment for them.

And in, in my mind, it’s like a ripple effect of healing throughout the lineage throughout the collective wound of us, not believing in ourselves. And that is, like, such a mission of mine is to allow for that expression of self and the gifts that we each have. The more you step into, like, that openness and curiosity with an individual about, you know, even if it’s the smallest thing of an art form, right?

Asking and getting them to inquire what inspired you, then you can just, like, see this, like, Little, and then you bring that place of comfort for them to actually start expressing themselves. It’s, it’s part of the mission is to aid in the healing of the collective with that silencing, And then again, believing in yourself.


that you got to keep working.

Yeah, it really is a muscle, and like you, like I used to be so quiet about things, there’s even instances where I felt like I physically could not, and so it does take time, but it’s so powerful, like the sound of using our voice. And putting your thoughts into words is so powerful in so many different ways.

It activates different brain centers. I feel like I could go on and on about how powerful, just sound itself. Being able to let sound out. Um, but I won’t go off on a tangent. But it is, it’s so powerful. important and such a good muscle to work on. And so with that, I’m wondering if you do have any other advice.

That was a great nugget, but do you have any closing advice for those that are on their spiritual curious journey looking at incorporating things in an approachable way?

Well, one thing I find that can really empower people, and for myself included, is to put down expectation. So, open with curiosity and put down expectation. So while you start, if you start to dip your toe in the magical waters of breathwork or of meditation or of Reiki or, or whatever, to put down expectation because expectation can often lead to disappointment and it creates this like block and it’s something that I see repeatedly over and over again.


So put down, expectation and attempt to enter into wonderment, go into the new with openness and curiosity and allow for expectation of put down. I think that would be the one thing that I would recommend.

That’s a good one because expectation really does set things up for disappointment and that’s something I myself. Struggled with over time and having these expectations and being disappointed. So then not expecting anything, which isn’t really a solution either. And so incorporating that wonderment and like we can have hope or excitement without.

The expectations and really bringing in that wonderment and curiosity and just seeing what bubbles up, like that’s the journey. It’s not necessarily about the expectation, what thing we’re going to get. It’s about what’s the journey. How is that going to unfold?

Yes. Beautifully said.

Yeah, and with that, too, there’s also the Soul Summit coming up, which is great for those that are spiritually curious, too, that if you’re local to Greater Victoria, it is in Sook, which is an awesome two day event that you are putting on as a co creator, so please share more about that, too.

Yes. Thank you. So it’s actually a three day event. It’s Friday, right? No, that’s okay. Uh, it’s friday, saturdays and sunday. It’s april 25th to 27th and it’s held at the beautiful prestige oceanfront resort. And the mission was to create a comfortable environment for those who are wanting to dip their toes in it.

All things magical. So we compiled 12 masters of their craft, bringing them in, , and expressing in a conference style, to have experiences and to teach. So what that does. We feel is that it provides a safe environment for you just to check it out. So each presentation is, between an hour to 2 hours long.

And, in those presentations, there is. Breathwork, okay, I’m going to try to list them all off from my memory. Sensual, talks on sacred

hmm. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Mm hmm.

We have holy fire Reiki, guided meditations, Qi Gong, laughter yoga. We have spiritual mediumship, light language channelers. An intuitive art paint night where you’re going to learn about your intuition through a paint night, which is so exciting.

I’m trying to think, we have regular yoga, qigong. I’m not sure if I said that I should have had a list prepared. But anyways, the, the link will be available and, you can check it out. So it’s, from four o’clock, no, registration is 5 30 to nine on Friday. Then it’s nine to nine Saturday and nine to 5 30 on Sunday.

So you’re getting a big bang for your buck. And it’s a really beautiful, loving container that we’re creating for you to step in with curiosity.

Ah, I’m so excited. Like, what an incredible collection of different experts and practitioners and all these different topics. Like, there’s a few that I’m very curious about, like, light language. Like, I’ve seen little bits of that, but I really don’t know that much about it. And when you touch on even Holy Fire Reiki, like, I feel like we could do a whole episode on that.

Like, what exactly is that? And so it’s Such an incredible event to just get that basic exposure to all of these different things and then see what really resonates with you. And with especially the early word pricing that’s on for, I think the rest of the month, correct me if I’m wrong. Yeah. You get to dabble into these things for a killer deal.

Like. Probably two of these workshops, one or even two would be the price of the ticket. And we get two full days to try out all of these different things and beautiful soup. The prestige is awesome. And I’m excited for my talk where it’s all about nourish through pleasure. So I talk about that all the time on here on the podcast, but it really is what lit my fire with sacred sexuality is learning that sexuality is so much more than this, like, Awesome fun thing we get to do with our partners or maybe sometimes ourselves.

It’s this incredible spiritual sacred thing and we can actually learn to nourish ourselves, to channel our sexual energy along our energy channels. If we’re feeling kind of like blah and just overwhelmed or overworked, exhausted, whatever it is, we can actually use our pleasure to nourish our bodies and Respark that essence within us.

So that’s what I’ll be touching on with a practice where we all get to experience it real time. And so just thinking of the 12 different practitioners each having their own set like that, it’s going to be a great event. So we’ll definitely have the link down for all of those who are interested. Thank you, Nicole, so much.

This has been a really fun conversation. Again, I feel like we could do so many of these on like all of the different things.

I know, like, four episodes easy, all this stuff that we could have expanded on, but thank you so much for having me and for providing this space and for the magic that you bring to this world. It’s an honor to know you.

Aw, thank you, I really appreciate that and it’s an honor to know you and connect with you and all of the things. So thank you and thank you for those listening, until next time, make some magic.