Unfortunately society isn’t geared towards celebrating sexually empowered women. In fact it’s quite the opposite. Our sexuality is stomped in the mud as we’re told how dirty and wrong it is, then tucked behind closed doors to serve our husbands. Or, our power is taken away as we see how desirable a sexually empowered woman is, only to hear how she’s a slut and see how she’s shamed and ridiculed.

We know that sex sells, and that everyone wants sex. Only, we shouldn’t be outright about it, and keep things tucked away hidden in the shadows. It’s confusing and disempowering af. When the truth is our sexual empowerment is a source of our inner power. It’s our vital life force energy that brings passion, presence, and playfulness into our lives. It’s how we can move through the greatest transformation by facing the taboo and learning to embrace our shadows. It’s how we build confidence and connection within ourselves and with our partners. It’s a part of our health, vitality, humanness and so much more.

Today’s episode shares 9 things no one tells you about female sexuality, that you should know. Because when you know these 9 things you become empowered to take your sexuality into your own hands (pun intended  😉)and use it as a pathway to embrace your inner power and your queen energy, creating a ripple effect that flows through how you show up in your life.

9 Things No One Tells You About Female Sexuality From a Sexual Empowerment Coach

  1. Your sexuality is for you. It’s not to serve your husband or to get what you want.
  2. Your sexual energy is your vital life force energy that fuels your passion, creativity, and emotional flow.
  3. You don’t automatically know everything. Being good at it requires learning and practice just like everything else.
  4. Being a sexually empowered woman doesn’t mean you’re a slut. 
  5. Your libido is a sign of your overall wellbeing and ebbs and flows in alignment with your cycle. 
  6. Foreplay starts with coffee in the morning. 
  7. Most women require to be warmed up from their outside edges inwards. 
  8. Our sexuality looks different from what we’ve seen in the media. Learning to tap into your erotic blueprints opens up so many doors for understanding your pleasure pathways.
  9. Although common, it’s not normal to lose your libido as you age, in actuality it can be quite the opposite. 

Tune Into The Episode

Show Notes

Episode 43 – 5 Reasons Why You’ve Lost Your Libido: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/SNQmt4GO5Kb

Episode 28 – The Difference Between Masturbation, Slow Pleasure, and Sacred Sexuality: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/iGnhZCMPELb

Episode 14 – Your Sexual Energy Is Your Life Force Energy: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/wDyL6aOPELb

Guest Sex Magick Episodes:

Beducated: https://fas.st/t/eeZ26isZ

Episode 12 – Unveiling Erotic Blueprints: A Journey to Sexual Empowerment with Angela Thurston: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/R34BNbOPELb


Hello and welcome to the Unapologetic with Janine McKinnon podcast. I’m your host Janine, Manifesting Maven, Lunar Ritualist, Nature Lover, Sex Magic Expert, and Empowering Confidence and Sexuality Coach. If you’d like, you can think of me as your witchy bestie. D, who calls you out on your self-deprecating cycles, while encouraging you to align with your highest self.

And I’m on a mission to help women return to the wisdom of their bodies and embrace their inner power. If you’re a woowoo woman craving more self-love, confidence, fulfillment, and. passion in your life. You are in the right place. The Unapologetic with Janine McKinnon podcast is here to help women like you to thrive as your most radiant and happy self.

Here you can find inspiration and tools taken from my one on one coaching sessions and group experiences to support you. you in your journey. We’ll cover things like societal conditioning, inner child healing, pleasure practices, manifestation techniques, approachable rituals, and all around women’s empowerment.

My goal is to shift your perspective and give you actionable takeaways so you can walk away from these episodes feeling inspired to create a life that ignites your spirit. So thank you so much for being here. I am so grateful that we’re able to connect in this way and I can’t wait to dig into the contents of this episode with you.

Without further ado, let’s get into it.

📍 Hello. Beautiful. Today I am sharing nine things. No one tells you about female sexuality. Unfortunately society isn’t geared towards celebrating sexually empowered women. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Our sexuality is stomped in the mud. As we’re told how dirty and wrong it is. Then tuck behind closed doors to serve our husbands and do our wifely duty. Or our power is taken away.

As we see how desirable a sexually empowered woman is only to hear how she is a slut and see how she shamed and ridiculed.

We know that sex sells that everyone wants sex. Only we shouldn’t be a write about it. And to keep things tucked away, hidden behind closed doors. It’s confusing and disempowering. When the truth is our sexual empowerment is a source of our inner power. It’s our vital life force energy that brings passion presence and playfulness into our life.

It’s how we can move through the greatest transformation by moving through the taboo and learning to embrace our shadows. It’s how we build confidence and connection within ourselves and with our partners. It’s part of our health and vitality and humanness and so much more.

And that’s why today’s episode shares nine things. No one tells you about female sexuality that you should know. Because when you know these nine things, you become empowered to take your sexuality into your own hands. Pun totally intended and use it as a pathway to embrace your inner power in your queen energy, creating a ripple effect that flows through how you show up in every facet of your life.

It truly is why I do the work that I do. It’s so much more than having sex or masturbating in your bedroom. Being sexually empowered truly has this impact in how you hold yourself, how you carry yourself, because when you face those taboos and those shadows and you learn to not only understand them, To accept them, to love them, to embrace them. There’s this different type of really internal, empowered confidence.

And it doesn’t come from that. Outside validation or the attention seeking or different people’s praise. It truly comes from with it. And so this has, as I said, this massive impact. And how you show up is how you become unapologetic. It’s how you show up in your full authenticity. And have that true presence in all these different areas of your life.

And as you have that sexual life force energy flowing through you. You have that passion, you have that creativity. And so I will break it down for you. This actually came from a social media post that I did on Instagram a few weeks ago. And it did really well. And I actually decided to expand it a little bit based on one comment I received, which is a key talking piece that I’ve done a full. Episode on actually. As well as something else that has come up a lot in conversation.

So before I dig into each one, I will just quickly let you know. What the nine thanks are that we will be talking about. That is that. Your sexuality is for you. It’s not to serve your husband or to get what you want. Too. Your sexual energy is your vital life force energy that fuels your passion, creativity, and emotional flow. Three. You don’t automatically know everything. Being good at it requires a learning and practice

just like everything else. For being a sexually empowered woman doesn’t mean you’re a slut. Five. Your libido is a sign of your overall wellbeing. And it ebbs and flows in alignment with your cycle. And sex. Foreplay starts with coffee in the morning. Oh seven. Most women require to be warmed up from their outside edges in words.


And our sexuality looks different from what we’ve seen in the media.

Learning to tap into our Roddick. Blueprints opens up so many doors for understanding your pleasure pathways. And nine, this is the extra one that got added in based on that comment that I’ve done a whole podcast episode on that I will link in the show notes is that, although it is common, it’s not normal to lose your libido as you age. And actuality, it can be quite the opposite. And having lost libido is a sign of something else.


So that is what we are going to be covering today.

I would love to hear your thoughts as I move through these, please feel free to shoot me a message on [email protected]. So bringing it back to that. Number one. Your sexuality is for you. It is not to serve your husband or get what you want. One of the first things my clients learn to understand is that as for your personal empowerment first. As well as connection with your partner and the divine. So let’s break this down a little bit. I think there can be a lot of religious upbringing and programming that goes into this one in that sexuality shameful, which will kind of lead into our next point. As well as the fact that it is primarily just to serve our husbands.

And so that really removes us from the equation. And I also think there’s a lot of narrative around just pleasing others, pleasing our partners. And as women, we might be lucky to even orgasm. Right. And so



there’s very much that separation and that loss of ownership of our sexuality really being for us, but it is our body. Our sensations and the cliteracy has over 10,000 nerve endings. Which is incredible. So it is geared for full sensations and its only function is pleasure. If you think of. A man’s penis, who, which has tons of nerve endings in it. It has multiple functions, right? But the clutter is it’s so function is pleasure.

And so that’s why you’ll hear me say it’s on my website and then all different things is that pleasure is your birthright. It truly is. It is how our bodies are made. It is for us first. And then sex also has this incredible way of allowing us to connect with our partners through that sacred energy exchange.

And we are also able to really touch the divine through our sexuality. I think that’s a big reason why. Sexual empowerment is so stomped out. by again, many religions. And different societies around the world because a sexually empowered woman is a powerful woman. It is how we really tap into our inner power. And it is how we tap in with divinity, with the divine.




That’s when you’re getting into sacred sexuality. And I have a full episode on this, which I will also link in the show notes. The difference between. Kind of masturbation or basic pleasure, slow pleasure, and sacred sexuality when you’re really getting into moving. Your energy and connecting with oneness and the cosmos. And all of that is a very doable through your sexuality.

And how we work with that sexual energy. It actually brings me to number two, your sexual energy is your vital life force energy that fuels your passion, creativity, and emotional flow. And again, I have a helpful podcast episode on this. It is one of the core things I will say over and over and over again, because I think it is so important to know that it truly is. Our life force energy. And again, there can be. This ties into that religious shaming around sexuality.

And I find it can be quite empowering for some clients, especially those that have had a heavy Catholic upbringing. I’ve seen how empowering it is. To really reclaim their sexuality for themselves through knowing that it is our life force energy. Yes, it’s for us. And there’s something powerful and potent within it.

It is not shameful. It’s how we, again, connect with her. Our passion or creativity or emotional flow. So



when you look at the chakra system, Our sexualities and our sacral chakra right within our womb space. And so this is the home of our sexuality. Of our femininity is where our uterus and our ovaries are.

And it’s our creation energy.

Yes, we can create life with it. Which is so potent, this incredible magic that we get to do as women. And we can use the sexual energy for all different kinds of creation as well. We can put it into our work projects. Or into our home decorating or different creative projects with our kids. It is all tied together in that sacral chakra. Along with our emotional flow, which is again, one of our super powers as women to really feel the emotions, to be able to flow through them, to alchemize them. And this is all through that’s sexual life force energy, and kind of an extra bonus to it. Is that it is super potent for manifesting.



So I actually is on my list to do a full podcast episode on this. I have a few guest episodes on sex, magic and embody and manifestation. But it is essentially. Using that creation energy, that very potent life force energy. And using it to manifest your desires. There’s a whole process to it. I won’t get into it right now.

I will link those, uh, gas podcast episodes where I go into a little bit more detail. And if you want to hear a full episode on it, as I said, it’s on my to-do list, but give me a little nudge, shoot me that DM. And let me know, perhaps I will include it in season three of the podcast, which is launching August 12th in like two weeks already, which is. While to me.

And I guess I’ll just take a quick moment to share about that before we’re getting back to our list. But



season three, we are more unapologetic than ever. There is an incredible list of guest episodes with all different sorts of women and one man

sharing their stories in embracing their unapologetic authenticity.

So that will be Thursday on apologetic stories segment. And then Tuesdays is Tuesday transmissions where I have by solo episodes like this, shifting your perspective and providing you tools to really step into your unapologetic authenticity. We’ve got a jam packed a week with new episodes out every single week.

And then going forward, there will be two per week. Whenever there is a guest episode, I’ve got a couple of months booked out and we are going to celebrate with an unapologetic authenticity masterclass and podcast, season three, launch celebration. So it’s like a masterclass that’s. Has extra special celebration and prizes and mixed into it.

So I really, really support you share that transmission and embracing your unapologetic authenticity. I’ll walk you through an incredible embodiment practice. To really be able to feel into what that is for you and get really clear. On what unapologetic authenticity means to you, how it’s going to impact your life, what kind of decisions will you make?

What kind of changes do you need to make to embrace that? And to start those little baby steps, to really build that momentum, to create that change in your life, that supports you. And showing up in your full unapologetic authenticity. And what impact does that have for you? So we’re going to go into all of that. There will be space for a spicy Q and a where you can ask me absolutely anything related to sex, love and relationships.

So this is your chance to. Ask those maybe a little bit embarrassing questions or something here, a little bit shy of asking your friends or speaking out loud or. There’s something going on within your relationship that you would really like to speak to a professional about, this is your chance to ask me anything.

I am an open book here to support you. Plus we have like over $1,800 in prizes for all different things. From little goodies to support you in your feminine embodiment. Coaching and abolish had practices, access, all different things. So it’s going to be so much fun. So impactful 90 minutes together. So hit the link in the show notes to sign up for that there will be a replay available.

Although the biggest of prize goes to those who are alive with us on. Tuesday August 13th. So book that in your calendar and have some fun with us.




And now on to number three. It’s not, you don’t automatically know everything being good at it requires learning and practice just like everything else. And when it’s said out loud, I feel like this is a no brainer. Yet it’s like this. Unspoken thing where we’re just supposed to like, know and learn on our own as we go to become good at sex.

Like there’s people that, that are good at it. And there’s people that aren’t who we all know the awkwardness of those, like early days when we first started becoming sexually active. And then we’re just kind of supposed to know to go along with the flow and either be good at it. Or not. And it is just like everything else.

It requires knowledge and learning and practice. To become truly good at sex.

And so there are few ways that you can really work within this. There is a regular pleasure practice. Like some of the ones I have within unapologetic practices, which is always being added to. And there a way for you to really get to know your body and explore your pleasure pathways. And when you have a personal pleasure practice, you’re able to explore these things within that safe container. Without fear of judgment and different things with a partner.

And so I find it’s really helpful to start with yourself with that regular pleasure practice and get that sexual life force energy flowing. And the more orgasms you have, the more you want. So it’s really great to. So it’s really great to build that within yourself and then share that with your partner.

And as you learn to learn what your wants and desires are on your own. It becomes easier and less scary to communicate them with your partner compared to Uber. Could we maybe try this and then it doesn’t work out and then there’s. That whole thing around that. And then you’re worried to say something else and I can go down this rabbit hole, which is not beneficial for the partnership. And for your sexual connection at all. It can also be helpful just to have the space to learn how to use holistic sex tools for yourself.




And so holistic sex tools are what are used within my practice. There’s different ones that are good for different things, depending what kind of challenges you are having within your sexuality, within your relationship. But I will. Mention three key ones that help everyone for more expansive pleasure. Our breath, sound and movement. So being able to play with the pace of your breath. And allowing sound to come out on those exhales. Whatever just comes naturally to allow it to flow through you. Really expands those pleasure receptors

which has that pleasure, really washing over you as it expands more and more, and incorporating that movement again, that intuitive natural movement, whatever is coming up for you. Allowing it to flow through you. Again, really tying into that secret chakra that flow, that emotional flow, that sexuality, that creation. So using that breath, that sound, that movement. Allows you to kind of play around with the intensity of your sensations, with the connection you are having with your body, with your pleasure centers.

And it can be again, helpful to practice that with yourself first. And then bring in into your partner to experiences because we can get self-conscious. If we are like trying a different breathing pattern or beginning to open up our throat, use our voice and being able to sound things out. And again, this is how this ripple effect happens. When you are able to use your voice through communicating as well as sounding. Your sensations when you’re in these very vulnerable moments with your partner. It is no problem. To use your voice in less vulnerable moments in other aspects of your life.

It really has that ripple effect because it is. So vulnerable. So like, oh, this is really on my edge. When you’re in that partner and experience. And so getting over that hump facing that taboo, when you are raw and open and have the chance of being hurt yet you end up being celebrated and having this amazing experience. You are so much better equipped and more confident in using your voice in other areas of your life.




And then just to bring it back to this. Um, you don’t automatically know everything too. Continue to learn and practice. There is also one other tool that I wanted to mention, which is being able to learn actual skills through coaches or blog posts or platforms like Located. So good socks is actually a lot more about your connection with your body and your partner than it is about sex tricks and tips.

And I think that gets flipped around where a lot of people think good sex comes from, like knowing all the different positions and this and that. When that’s just kind of an added bonus, which is why I mentioned it last. Yes, it can be helpful. But having presence and safety and confidence within your body. And within a deeply connected partnership. Are going to have way more of an impact on your sexual experiences. Then these tips and tricks and different positions are, these are just kind of added sprinkles.

You can sprinkle on that are fun to play with, but I do think it’s more important to focus on that other foundation first. And Ben educated is a great platform for kind of the sprinkle thing. So I will include a link in the show notes. As an affiliate link. And that’s just because I love how comprehensive their platform is and how tasteful it is. To learn about all different aspects of sexuality.

They have sections on. King can BDSM. They have, what has personally really helps me, is there many cores on blow jobs? And then they also have a Yoni massages. Lingham massages. Every different topic under the sun is available within educated. They do have a sale going on for August. I believe it’s 50% off.

So this episode comes out July 30th, as soon as August 1st hits. I’ll switch over that link. So just stay on the lookout for that. I will try to mention it in my email as well. But it was a great platform. For beginning to explore things. Okay. Moving along to number four, being a sexually empowered woman doesn’t mean you’re a slut.

So this is a fear and limiting beliefs that I see come up in my clients. When they begin to tap into their sexuality, that they’re scared. They’re going to lose control. And this can be based generally on two different things that I see. One is that they have a, perhaps permissed us past. Or they have experiences where alcohol was perhaps involved, likely involved. And they made choices.

They are not proud of. And even sometimes alcohol is not involved in that. And so they feel like they lost control. And had bad experiences because of it. And although that can be completely true. It doesn’t mean that your past creates your presence.

And then the other camp generally has these beliefs or fears around losing control. With their sexuality is because of family programming and beliefs that are being placed on them being told. How wrong sex is and about STDs and that you’ll be insatiable. So you have to keep it squash down because if you tap into that sexuality, you won’t be able to control it.

And so. There’s a whole piece around that. So no matter what camp you are in these beliefs, and these fears can really have a lot of blocks and how you connect to your sexuality and how you allow that pleasure to really flow through you. Rather than sex being more transaction-based based on serving the other person.




And so a sexually empowered woman in her queen energy. Has discernment and self-control, she doesn’t put herself in situations where she’ll be taken advantage of. She has discernment over who to share her sexual energy with. She actually knows the power and the sacredness. Of her sexuality and her sacred energy. And she’s not going to just share that with anyone. So it really is the opposite.

I think that when you become truly sexually empowered and again, hold yourself and that queen energy, which I’m having a program coming out on this in the fall. You. Actually see it in this whole other sacred, respectable way. And you have a lot of. Again, self-control and discernment in who you share this with.

So it’s not that you lose control. You actually gain more control in many ways while also understanding, being able to surrender and flow and this and that. And so how I work through these blocks is with my inner power method. We do a lot of inner child healing and shadow work. So as I touched on a lot of these different belief systems come from past experience. Variances or childhood upbringing. And so I will actually take clients into these belief systems into these experiences. And to be able to heal them from a deep level in what happened. Within the body, not talking about what happened, but how it feels and the imprint left on your nervous system and begin to be able to heal that and release that. While also ringing in and tapping into that sense of inner empowerment, because for me, the transformation journey is so much more than releasing and healing from the old shit.

And again, it needs to be done, not on that head speaking narrative level. But really from within the body and the nervous system and the imprint, these things have made and we can heal them and release them. And we need to bring in that sense of empowerment and strength and inner confidence and bring that in from a place that is updated into the. Current reality in to the future reality, not based on what’s happened in the past.

And when you bring these two together, That’s where you really get that deep inner strength. In our confidence, inner knowing, and you’re able to carry yourself in a different way within that queen energy.



And so that fear of losing control is just no longer a thing.

And so coming into number five. Your libido is a sign of your overall wellbeing and ebbs and flows in alignment with your cycle. And so I won’t dig into the full ups and flows of your cycle. This is perhaps. A whole podcast episode on itself. But what I will say is, uh,



around that time of ovulation, That is when a woman

is that her peak in terms of her desire to really be sexually active. And so that is part of our just. Humanists. That’s how we’re hardwired to reproduce. When we are the most fertile,

we become the most energized around sex and really wanting to share that sexual energy with others.

And so as you flow through your cycle in that course of a month, If you don’t notice that peak coming in, whatever way that means for you. That’s often a sign that something is off and that’s not to say that something is wrong. It’s just one of those campuses that you can look at for your life and just see. What’s up, what’s going on and if it’s something that needs to be tended to, so perhaps you might notice. One or two months go by and you haven’t hit that peak. And you were tired and kind of run down and, you know, you have a lot going on with work.

Plus there are issues within your extended family, or you have some sick pets or different things like that. And so. That physically, psychologically, emotionally, you have a lot going on. And so there’s nothing wrong with that. That’s a life. And it’s just understanding that yes, that’s going to affect your libido and your sexuality as well.

And that’s totally okay. Now in another camp, perhaps you’ve noticed you haven’t hit that pay peak over the course of a month or two. And you’re feeling stressed out and resentful and disconnected with your partner. And when you were able to zoom out, you can see, oh, this is another sign amongst a few others that are going on, that you are not feeling supported within the household. You are not feeling connected to your partner.

And so perhaps bringing in. And putting more intention to those connection points you have with your partner and using your voice to communicate your needs, to set up more support systems within your household. That will help support you. And as those things fall into place, you will notice your libido naturally rise while you are feeling that deeper connection and more supported, because that’s how you’re really able to drop into that feminine energy of receiving that pleasure and that sexual pursuit. You need to there’s other parts to it, but that support and that connection are really integral to that.



And so that actually goes quite well. Into number six. That foreplay starts with coffee in the morning. I first heard this by in a Oregon Dow from. Organ Adele divorce coach. She is an incredible human and I have taken this on. From when I first heard it from her years ago, because it is so true. That, especially for women. And some men. And others, the



foreplay starts with coffee in the morning.

It is so much more. Then certain touches before penetration. Foreplay is those connection points and the way you feel cared for it. And loved throughout the day. And so that can look like coffee in the morning. It can look like check-ins throughout the day. Maybe a little note left somewhere non-sexual touches and that’s all gonna help you open up because you feel connected and supported. To want to have those sexual experiences with your partner or even with yourself.

And I will generally with women it’s because women, in order to sexually connect. We generally require and desire emotional connection first. Where with most men? It’s actually opposite and that they receive emotional connection through physical and sexual connection.

And so there can be a bit of that disconnect and what some see as a mismatch, but when you have that understanding of it and how to work with it and. When your partner gets that, oh, okay. Coffee in the morning actually helps set the stage for other things than it is just a way to show your love and have that connection.

And when you have that emotional connection, Throughout the days throughout your relationship. That sexual passion

really begins to burn more brightly and that’s because you feel emotionally connected. So you’re able to sexually connect more. And then they’re able to receive that other layer of emotional connection because for them coffee in the morning, isn’t the same. They don’t get the same kind of emotional connection high that we do. It might be a little bit, but for them it really comes from yes.

That sexual connection. And there are some other things.

And so for them, that sexual connection really is that deeper level of emotional connection and vulnerability for them. They feel that connection. And there are some other ways of course, as well. Um, but again, when you have this understanding, you’re able to kind of play within this a little bit more and have both of your. Needs and desires met and in a more supportive way for the relationship.



And so coming into number seven, which is just a continuation of this. Is that



most women required to be warmed up from their outside edges. In words, this is something I wish I knew back in the early days. And I didn’t fully learn until gosh, maybe. Uh, three or so three or four years ago when I really dove into all of this stuff. And it’s that. First nothing is wrong with you.

If you don’t get turned on by someone going straight for the genitals and we’ll have more on that after. But women. Our body becomes awakened. Through each touch. And so when we start with running, having hands run through our hair, A longer neck. Our shoulders are lakes. It is slowly waking up our body.

And then that’s how we really can begin to build that desire. For going rant for the goods. That desire hasn’t been built up. Our body’s not awake, so it it’s more close it off like that flower of her vulva is closed off. But when we go from the outward edges in where she begins to open up and really want to be able to receive.

And this is perhaps permission for you. If you haven’t had this spoken out loud to you that yes, as a woman. You build that Hearn on from being touched and crust from those outward edges inwards.

And nothing is wrong with you. If well, for one, if that’s not the case, because we are all different, but nothing is wrong with you. If your partner goes right for the goods and you’re closed off and not turned on, it’s actually just how you’re programmed and that you really need that warming up that awakening. Going outwards, inwards, and being able to understand this and communicate it with your partner. I can be really helpful. In your partnership.




And so we are almost there.

This is quite the comprehensive list. It is. Not a quickie episode, like I may have first intended, but again, I think understanding all of these things is so helpful. In your sexual empowerment journey. And so number eight expands on this even more, and that



our sexuality looks different from what we’ve seen in the media. And learning your Roddick blueprints opens up so many doors for understanding your pleasure pathways. So what we often see depicted in media, whether it is like movies, different stories, ads, this, and that it is the sexual blueprint. And so that is people that are turned on by going straight to the genitals by seeing SPE sexually explicit scenes.

That’s that turn on from those very sexual things. Now the sexual blueprint is only one. Uh, five blueprints. And so there can be this expectation placed on us and even like this internal expectation that we’ve inherited. That we are all the sexual blueprint. And when. Our partners of sexual blueprint and we aren’t, we can think there’s this mismatched libido.

There’s something wrong with us. If going rate for the clip, doesn’t turn us on. But the truth is. We have so much variations. And our pathways to pleasure. And so the other erotic blueprints, and I’ll briefly touch on this. I have a full episode with Angela. Thirstin the creative director and. Head lead.

I can’t remember her exact title, but she is the head trainer. Of the erotic blueprint coaches and we dig deep into all of this. It’s a great episode. Definitely recommend checking it out. I will link it in the show notes, but there is the energetic blueprint. So just feeling energy, these people can be turned on or even receive orgasm with their partner across the room. There is the sensual blueprint.

So having music and smells and really setting the setting can be super helpful. Likewise. If the setting is off, it can be a big break and really impact the experience. There is also the kinky blueprint. And so yes, this can be kinky things that might immediately come to mind. And this includes anything that might. Be considered wrong or risky, risky within us.

So this could even be wearing a certain kind of launch re. And there is, I think this came up in the podcast episode, or I read it somewhere along the way. I actually have Jaya’s book behind me who created erotic blueprints, but there was a man where it was just putting on women’s stockings was his big turn on.

And so we all have this different like kink within us and this different. Level of how much that plays a role in our overall pleasure. And there is also these shape shifter. And so this is my primary blueprint, and now we have a little bit of everything. And a lot of touch in different places at the same time. And there are a few different things that come into it. That can be that big, a pathway to pleasure.

And so when you understand what this is, and again, I will link that. Podcast episode and blog post, and there’s a link to do a free quiz, or you can pay to get more information. But I find it is really helpful for just having this understanding on oh. This is how I am. This is why. These certain things don’t work.

This is why my husband and I have this mismatched libido. When actuality, we don’t have this understanding of our pathways to pleasure. And when we add in this foreplay with coffee in the morning with all of these different connection points throughout the day, and these non-sexual touches and really set the stage and. We understand our pathways to pleasure, and we understand our brakes and accelerators. We are able to just poof, like have this passionate, explosive connection with each other.

When we have this foundation set. And then understand all of these different things about our sexuality. And so that’s why all of this is so important. And there’s like tips and tricks and positions. Or just extra sprinkles because they’re not going to do shit. If you don’t have this foundation set in place.



And now I will wrap things up with number nine, which is,



although it is common. It is not normal to lose your libido as you age.

This is one of the biggest lies. Women are told as we go into perimenopause and menopause and. Often, really when we get into motherhood, because there is that lack of support, that lack of connection with women that are stuck feeling like they are doing everything on their own and holding that. Control of the household by doing everything themselves and keeping those wheels turning naturally, you’re going to lose your libido when you were in that situation. And even though. It’s natural, even though that makes sense. It is not the normal for how our bodies and her libido functions.

It is a symptom that something else is going on.

And so when we can look at it, as the symptom go deeper, and it is more for some women than just that support and connection, there is absolutely different hormonal imbalances and different things that come into play. Your lifestyle, your relationship, all of these different things that I work with clients through.

And once you are able to put the pieces of the puzzle together and really support yourself, Your libido actually grows. As you H you can have more desire. You can have more expansive pleasure because the more you begin to accept yourself and learn those tools of communication and how to have those deeper relationships and. Uh, speak your desires and your needs, and be able to use those holistic tools and understand your pathways for pleasure.

And you’re having all of these orgasms and expansive pleasure. You’re naturally going to want more. And it continues to grow and build. So if you are someone who has lost your libido because of different things going on in your life or. Where you’re at in terms of perimenopause menopause. I just want to say that again, although it’s common and he might hear many women talking about it and that your doctor might be dismissive, that this is just a part of aging.

It is not the truth. And there are many things available to support you in rekindling that libido and really allowing it to grow and expand. So you have that passion. In all areas of your life, because that’s that ripple effect. When you were lacking that passion in one area. I find you tend to lack in, in many different areas.

And so when you can bring that in. And learn to be fully present within your sexual experiences. That’s how you get that expensive pleasure by being so present. With your body, with your sensations, with your partner, that presence carries over with how present you are. When your family. Is playing and you hear the laughter or. You’re out for a walk and you just become immersed in the pleasure of the beauty of nature and the sounds and the visuals of the wind blowing and all of these things. It has this incredible ripple effect.



And so I won’t go on any longer.

This episode was a little bit longer than intended, but again, I think it is so important. For us to understand these things because generally no one’s telling us about them. And so we’re just going on and aware of all of these pieces that really support us and being sexually empowered in being able to hold ourselves within our queen energy and really show up as our best selves in all areas of her life. Not just within our partnership, not just us.

We hold ourselves as a mother or even grandmother. But how we show up in our business, in our work with our friends, within our community, it has that ripple effect and it is so important. To do this work and to connect with your body. On such a deeply intimate way and have that vital life force energy flowing through you. So I am here.

If you have any questions or thoughts, I would love to hear them again. You can message me on Instagram at Janine dot McKinnon or send me an email info. Janine mckenna.com. Again, I will remind you. We have the season three. Podcast launch coming up August 12th within an incredible unapologetic authenticity masterclass.

With this bonus celebration of this podcast launch, we are going to just really step into embracing our unapologetic authenticity. And you are going to leave that feeling, feeling different. We are going to shift timelines within our 90 minutes together through the embodiment practice that we do and the questions. That I ask you, and you will leave feeling very clear on what your next steps are and feeling as a more aligned, slightly more unapologetically, authentic version of you and begin to take those baby steps to be able to embrace that more and more, because we are all. On our own journey.

I’m not going to say you are going to be fully. Authentically unapologetic after 90 minutes, but you will receive a shift and you will know how to align with that more and more as you go forward. Leaving our time together. Plus room for Q and a. And lots of prizes. So I invite you. Please come to that.

Come hang out. Experience those shifts. Change your life. You can sign up through the link in the show notes. Thank you so much for being here with me today. Trust your inner wisdom and make some magic.

Thank you for joining us inside the Unapologetic with Janine McKinnon podcast. I hope you enjoy today’s episode. If you feel called, I would so appreciate it if you shared about this episode in your stories or left us a review to help us reach more women on their unapologetic journey. As a thank you for your support, you’ll be entered into our monthly draw for free.

free coaching session, just tag at Janine dot McKinnon in your story shares or leave the rating or review, screenshot it and email to Janine at unapologetic motherhood. com to be entered. One lucky winner is selected every month for a focused coaching session to support you in working towards your current desires.

Until next time, trust your inner wisdom and create some magic.