I believe pleasure is every woman’s birthright and it’s a portal for owning your feminine energy.

After all, it’s through pleasure that we learn to feel, to embrace, to connect, and to surrender to the sweet ecstasy of life.

Unfortunately, it’s all too common for women to be completely shut off from this part of ourselves. 

✗ We’ve been told to hide behind closed doors,
✗ Blanketed in shame for our sexual side.
✗ Taught that sex and pleasure is something we provide in service to our partners,
✗ And if we embrace our sexuality too much we’re sluts and whores. 

But it’s all a lie creating a huge disconnection from this innate part of ourselves. 

When in fact, our sexuality is our own.
It’s our life force energy. 

And when we embrace it we’re able to thrive as radiant multi-faceted feminine beings. 

Look I get it, mom life is busy, who has time for something as selfish and out there as connecting with your sexuality? 

But my question for you is who has time not to? 

While it’s the norm to spend hours scrolling social media after bedtime, perpetuating the exhausted mom cycle, frustrated with your family and feeling guilty for how you reacted, you could be igniting your spark instead. 

Swapping out your energy draining habits and replacing them with ones that truly serve you. 

That connect you with yourself, energize you, and allow you to show up as the mom and partner you want to be. 

I understand this so deeply, because I’ve been there too. 

As a 2 under 2 mom my body felt like a functional provider for my family churning out pregnancies and breast milk amongst a sea of sleep deprivation. 

As much of an honour and special time that was, it wasn’t until I started a personal pleasure practice that I began to liberate my body as my own. 

What started out as a curiosity, became a portal for transformation boosting my overall confidence, bringing more fun and playfulness into my relationship, and setting me on the path to be the present, patient mom I knew I was meant to be. 

Ultimately it lead me to be a Sex, Love, and Relationship Coach with over 650+ hours of training because I know just how powerful this work is, not only for the transformation of each and every woman I work with, but for the ripple effect it creates for her family, her friends, and everyone she interacts with.

Your sexual energy is your life force energy, and Ignite is here to support you in awakening your sexual energy and expanding your pleasure capacity both inside and outside of the bedroom. 

“Working with Jannine has been transformational.  The tools she uses to help you reconnect with your divine feminine are so unique and really pull you out of your head and into your body (something I really struggled with after becoming a Mom). She gently encourages you to move through the stuff that is holding you back and really embrace the power of your sexual energy force.

Working with her has not only helped me reconnect with myself, but it has also made me a more present Mother, a more connected wife and confident individual. I highly recommend working with her – it is transformative! ”

– Lora D.


Awaken Your Sexuality And Expand Your Pleasure Capacity

6 Week 1:1 Coaching Container

Week 1

Connect with Your Sexuality

  • Get clear on your desires
  • Release subconscious limiting beliefs standing in the way of your sexual liberation
  • Rewire your nervous system to find safety in your confident, radiant sexuality

Week 2

Create Your Empowering Sex Story

  • Heal from childhood programming and rewrite your sexual story
  • Awaken your breasts and open your heart with a tantric practice
  • Cultivate a sense of tender self love

Week 3

Your Sexuality Roadmap

  • Have a clear understanding of your unique sexuality roadmap
  • Overcome obstacles standing in the way of your orgasmic potential
  • Fully awaken your senses to pleasure

Week 4

Expand into Pleasure

  • Customized tantric practice for your unique sexual liberation
  • Deeply connect with your body
  • Learn breathing and sounding techniques to expand your orgasmic potential

Week 5

Sexual Thriving

  • Have a clear understanding of what it takes to sexually thrive
  • Create nervous system safety with the vulnerability and openness of sexually thriving
  • Cultivate deep self love and acceptance

Week 6

Sexual Energy Manifestation

  • Open up and move the energy in your body for more expansive pleasure
  • Learn advanced sex magick techniques to use your sexual energy for manifestation
  • Circulate the sensations throughout your body for more energy after sex


6 weekly – 75 minute 1:1 coaching sessions

Text or email accountability and support

“Over the last few months of digging more into my healing journey with Jannine it’s been such an incredible experience. This commitment to myself and being ready to really impact my life and let go of things that no longer serve me has been about finding where my emotions and trauma are stored in my body and learning how to release them.

With Jannine guiding me gentlly I’ve been able to access parts of me that I didn’t even know were there. I’ve learnt valuable tools that I can also continue to use in my everyday life, or when I’m feeling overwhelmed and need to check in with myself.

Jannine is a warm soul and has always made me feel like my emotions are valid and I never felt like I was being judged. Her sessions with me have brought such a beautiful impact in my life.”

– Taylor A.


I understand a busy mom lifestyle while also understanding that if you want to make a change you need to commit to doing the work.
The minimum time commitment for this coaching container is one – 75 minute coaching session per week, and 2 – 3 x 20 minute pleasure practices per week for a total of 6 weeks with an invitation to continue 1 – 2 pleasure practices per week.
If you are someone with numbness or quite disconnected from your sexuality you will need to revisit the practices more frequently and/or for an extended period of time, but I promise if you do the work you will see results.
All content is accessed through our Circle hub. You can connect to Circle through your internet browser or the app for Android or iOS. It’s there that we will have weekly video coaching sessions, you can access your pleasure practice recordings, and get accountability through our private chat.
You have complete control over what you consent to participate in. All pleasure practices are an invitation, penetration and even touching are not mandatory. All pleasure practices can be done energetically, and alternatives can be offered for your unique situation.
Everyone has their own journey and their own speed at which they open up their sexuality. I am here to support you in whatever way that looks like for you in a fully consensual way. 
All pleasure practices are designed to walk you through the week’s practices from a beginner’s standpoint while also being able to be revisited while you gain more experience.
I am here to guide you along the way, making sure you have a clear understanding of how to play with your practices. Our private chat is also available for any questions or celebrations that come up along the way. 
Your privacy is my top priority. Your information will never be shared with anyone, and no one will be able to see you’re in this course. All communication will be done through email and the Circle hub, with emails coming from Jannine – Unapologetic Motherhood. You can create a separate email just for this course if you choose. 
We are open to women anywhere around the world. There are no country restrictions to join.